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In an effort to make you feel welcome to our towns, we have put this information together so you can better understand what we have to offer right here in your new home away from your hometown in the USA.

First of all our towns are combined as one community with an elected town mayor, currently Herrn Matthias Huber.  The mayor has an open door meeting once a month on Monday evenings and understands English. Times and location are posted in local newspaper (Amtsblatt) or on the Steinwenden Website

The purpose of this Welcome is to let you know about what is available to you and your family all within walking distance from your new home. 

You might take notice that once a week usually Wednesday evenings a paper courier will drop off the local “Landstuhl/Ramstein Wochenblatt” and a smaller paper called the “Amtsblatt RM” covering Ramstein-Miesenbach communities to include ours. Also every Saturday commercial ads newspapers are delivered to your doors steps- (Even if you do not read them or browse through them, you want to make sure you take them in and dispose of them accordingly).

Welcome to your new hometown!


Mayor Matthias Huber


Jim Barrante

Heinrich-Heine Str. 6

66879 Steinwenden

Phone: 0160 4540062

Mayor Matthias Huber

Kirchenstr. 3

66879 Steinwenden

Phone: 06371 71625

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SteinwendenRamstein Air Base · KMC